Onset – This is my first solo album! I composed 12 songs and added many new ideas to the typical gypsy swing style. I am very happy to have the great pianist Jerry Lu on the recordings!

This is the latest album, the Beyond Swing Trio, with Sven Jungbeck, Volker Kamp and myself. This is a live recording with our newest program! Mainly our own compositions and some pop song adaptations.

This is the first album I recorded with the great guitarist Sven Jungbeck. Together with the double bass player Christoph Bormann, we recorded an album full of gypsy jazz standards.
Hessischer Rundfunk
“Fredi Gebhardt gehört zu den aufstrebenden Talenten des Gypsyswing. Mit seinem Album “Onset” hat er gerade sein erstes Soloalbum veröffentlicht. […] Mit modernen Ideen und Harmonien mischt Gebhardt das Genre Gypsyswing ordentlich auf.”
Magazin Köllefornia
“Wunderbare Musik weit ab vom Mainstream